Monday, October 27, 2014

Maami meets her match!!!!

My husband’s aunt  whom we address as “Maami” is known for her excellent culinary, housekeeping and all other skills one could attribute to an extremely efficient home maker. Unfortunately, it included verbal skills, described as "sharp as a razor’s edge".  As soon as I settled in my marital home, I started hearing about her verbal and non verbal skills .  Most of the relatives who admired her for her culinary skills also feared her sharp tongue.  The timid ones toed her line, nodding their assent to whatever she said. Others paid due respects , but from a safe distance. The stories about her “Military Rule” at home were legendary. Some of the oft repeated ones include how after every sunday lunch, mami hands a duster to all members of the family for dusting the steel cupboards. She said that it would serve two purposes. One, the cupboards would sparkle as new after 30 years, second the family will not have a paunch due to sitting or sleeping immediately after lunch.  Such was her absolute control over her family.

Strangely,  two months into my marriage, she had taken a liking to me.  My in- laws, could not contain their surprise. They still remembered her caustic comment when they had shown my photograph to them.  “Too modern for our family, don’t you think??? ( I was wearing a sleeveless top and a Capri).  She was a frequent visitor to our house as my mother-in-law was an epitome of tolerance and patience and bore her “Bhabhi’s” moodswings. Of course, Maami brought with her delicious homemade cakes and sweets and shared her recipes peppered with “strict instructions” to be followed. She took me under her ” wing” and promised my mother in law that she was going to teach me a thing or two about being a perfect home maker!!!. Slowly, I came to realise that Maami had a heart of Gold but had little control of her tongue and temper. I followed  my mother-in-law’s footsteps, mostly  ignoring Maami’s unreasonable outbursts.  The going was therefore, smooth.

Maami had two sons Nikhil and Akhil. Nikhil was married and settled in the US and now it was time for  Akhil to settle down. Maami had been looking out for a “suitable” girl for Akhil (or was it for  the family???) for a couple of years .  Now she had zeroed in on a girl whose parents were highly educated and the girl, Neha herself was working for an MNC. One morning Maami called.  “Neeta, Today we are going to see a girl for Akhil, I want you to accompany us.” Too shocked to react, I blurted out.. Maami, “Why me”??? Maami replied without batting an eyelid. “ Just to give the impression that we are also modern”.. ofcourse with traditional values” she added as an after thought. My in-laws were speechless but did not dare to displease maami, my mother-in-law’s brother’s wife.

Afternoon, we set out to the girl’s house.  Akhil had flown  in from Delhi (where he was posted) , to “see the girl”. Introductions over, maami took over completely. Her questions were sharp, specific and addressed to Neha, the girl.” I am sure, your mother would have taught you to manage a home, dear”.... Neha paused  and not sounding the least apologetic said..”If you mean whether I can cook and clean, let me tell you that I have not tried my hand yet in cooking.” Taken aback at somebody daring to answer her, Maami shot out her next question.  “ You know, our Akhil is  very good at singing.. How about you??”. By this time Neha had assessed Maami so well that she answered cleverly.” Aunty, I am an accomplished Bharat Natyam dancer and I dance all other forms too”, but I can hardly expect Akhil to know dancing, can I??? For once Maami was speechless. Maama, my uncle started sweating profusely and Akhil almost smiled with the sheer pleasure of somebody giving back to his mother, the first time in his 29 years. He knew it was high time , too. Nikhi had already escaped to America . He always pitied his father, who would not speak without taking permission from his mother. He liked Neha’s honest answers.  He admired her ability to express herself so openly.  Only she would survive her mother’s razor tongue.  Then and there , he decided Neha was THE GIRL for him.

Neha said,” My turn, now, I guess “ Aunty, can I ask a few questions???”. Possibly for the first time in her life, Maami appeared unsure of herself and  looked at Maama and Akhil. Akhil answered the question instead.  “ Shoot away Neha”, before Maami could even open her mouth. Neha flashed a breath taking smile at him showing off her beautiful dimples and even white teeth. “ Akhil, you know I am working for an MNC, Many times, we have these conference calls with US and UK which goes on for 1 or 2 hours late into the evenings.  I hope you know cooking and can manage”. Maami pressed her “traditional hand” close to her chest and wiped her brow with the edge of her Kancheevaram saree. Akhil replied calmly.  ‘Yes Neha,  last 2 years I have been staying in a flat on my own and I have experimented with cooking. I can put together a decent meal”. We can always cook together or take turns according to our daily schedule”. ‘Oh Akhil, thats so wonderful and you are so understanding” Neha literally cooed. The conversation continued with both Neha and Maami  answering each other's questions. Neha won easily with her polite yet firm answers. Akhil's admiration for Neha grew by the minute.

Can we have a few minutes alone , please’? we would like to talk”.  It was Neha, the beautiful, confident girl who asked for the” alone time.” The parents nodded, Maami  with a look of utter disbelief.

Half an hour  later, when Akhil and Neha came out of the room smiling, Maami put the filter coffee tumbler down, with a noise indicating her displeasure. “Mr. Ramesh”, she addressed Neha’s father, we will let you know our decision next week” sounding like the all important groom’s mother.  Neha came forward, hugged my Maami and said.” ‘We  don’t think there is any need for that, do we Akhil??”. Taking the cue, Akhil replied,” Yes Mom, Neha and I have decided that we would like to get married”. Neha came forward, hugged me and “ Nice meeting you Akka and touched Maama’s feet”. Maama took his first independent decision after 33 years of married life. For once he did not look at his wife’s face seeking permission.” God  Bless you daughter and welcome to our family”.

Atlast, everyone knew “Maami had met her match”!!!