Saturday, July 3, 2010



My first introduction to this word was when I was in the 9th standard. The moment my History teacher threw this word at me chiding me for the delay in submission of my history journal, I became strangely attached to it. Of course, I didn’t know the meaning of the word then and had to come home and look it up in the dictionary. Her words were” “Procrastinating the inevitable” or something sounding very similar to that. I loved the word And more so her expression when she said it – something between a smirk, or you have to come to me with the journal before your exams sort of look. I hated to even think of writing out long boring pages in the journal of who killed whom in which battle, after effects of Industrial Revolution in France, blah, blah. I couldn’t imagine for one second why anyone would even be remotely interested in things which happened ages ago…I even though it as grave digging… purely disgusting!!!

Before I realized, the word as well as the habit… yes ,Procrastinating had got to me. Now it was the washing, a visit to a dentist or even to a relative’s house. My parents and sibling called me plain lazy, or laid back, but I was dreading the correct diagnosis, I knew in my heart of hearts, that it was PROCRASTINATION, in capital letters. After all , teachers can never be wrong, can they??? The more I brooded about it, the more anxious I became. Stacks of journals and heaps of dirty clothes gave me nightmares!!

Through out my college years , I managed to submit my journals at the last moment, complete the assignments just in time to save the grades and I became more and more aware of my PROCRASTINATING ways. But the silver lining in the cloud of procrastination was, when I enjoyed or liked doing something, I did it the fastest, like watering my plants, talking to them, baking cake for my mom’s birthday and ironing for the entire family. Sadly these were a few!!!
As a newly wed, I went through the initial hiccups , mainly due to my procrastinating ways .But my better half , bless him, turned out to be this super efficient, chivalrous guy, who did not mind sharing more than his share of chores. In his own ways, he would say, ‘ Don’t like to do this”? fine, I “ll do it, Any why I would I want to miss your cooking” and he would quietly take over the wash or the accounts of the home front.
Today, years have gone by, I am still lazy or laid back or I even procrastinate, But I make it clear that I Just don’t like doing it, But definitely wouldn’t mind doing something else instead. Needless to say, these days life is a song that I hum!!!

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