Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Do we really care???

On a monday morning, precisely at 6 am, I opened the door to my “Bhai”, the lady who came in to make rotis for our lunch everyday and the newspaper boy thrust the newspaper in my hand. Balancing a cup of coffee in one hand and the newspaper on the other, my eyes quickly scanned through the headlines.” Another case of malnutrition”, this time at a govt run orphanage. The picture of the malnourished children, with their distended stomachs, puny limbs and bulging hungry eyes stared at me. My coffee refused to go in. No,this was not the first time, I was reading such news. But somehow a rage simmered and boiled inside me. Such cold blooded apathy of the Administrators! I quickly read through the article, but decided this was the last time, I was going to keep quiet about this!
With a heavy heart, I told my bhai to make two rotis less, threw the coffee in the sink and began to think. The apathy of the administrators affected me so deeply, I began to think, what I , as a common citizen , an honest taxpayer could do about this??? After all, it is my money too!!. I called up my friends, one a journalist and another a lawyer. Both of them gave me a patient hearing, but excused themselves for the day and we promised to meet up during the weekend.
My rage refused to settle down. This was not like how you look through the many beggars you pass on your way to office, mostly without a second glance. These were hungry children, severely malnourished, not because the government did not provide for them , but some corrupt heartless fellow had stolen it right from their hungry mouths.I racked my brains, this shocking apathy towards corruption had to end!!!
I looked at the time to realize it was half past eight, I had already missed by usual train to Chruchgate. I remembered we had audit going on in the office and I had to be there. I called up my boss to inform about my late arrival. Then it struck me, “AUDIT” That’s what we , each one of us should do?? Just as Audit sees how each penny has been spent, we taxpayers should see how our money is being spent??? Slowly the idea loomed large and I quickly noted down.
But that’s for the next blog. But, yes, I am convinced, this is what we should do, a CITIZENS” AUDIT”. Will let you in on the finer details later.

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