Wednesday, August 25, 2010


At the outset, let’s be clear that this is not going to be a fault finding mission. This audit, as I would like to call it, would be a combination of establishing accountability at all levels and encourage ”volunteering” amongst each one of us. It would also be a means to our empowerment, through very legitimate means. And I strongly believe this would inculcate in each one of us a strong sense of belonging to our own country, state, area…..
I had always wondered about “volunteering “, as they call it abroad, when my cousin would say how the parents of other children would always volunteer to take the children out for the day, volunteer to help out on a sports day or even volunteer to coach a weak child in maths…etc. May be the seed was sown at that moment…
All of us have at least one municipal or a government body situated within a radius of at least 2 kms of our house. We can start our volunteering with say an anganwadi,(especially where they have a midday meal scheme) or even a PDS (ration) shop or a municipal school. The approach has to be very pro active with an intention to lend a helping hand. As a first step,
1. we can ask them to put up a board at the entrance listing our the persons responsible for the day to day running of the organization along with their contact nos.
2. Form a committee of likeminded citizens willing to volunteer and be a part of the day to day administration or at least in important policy decisions.

3. Let’s make it very clear that the accountability of tax payers’money is of paramount importance and that it has to reach the purpose for which it was intended for, till the last paise.

4. The committee on its own, or with the management of these institution can have regular meetings to discuss the spending, canvass for donations etc. In fact, the involvement of right kind of people would effortlessly bring in the much required funds too.

The list is endless. This is only a beginning. We can’t afford to be complacent anymore and that we owe it to the Gen next. To quote Swami Vivekanada “ Arise, Awake….


  1. went thru ur "thought provoking" blogs.we defenitely can do with more of "pro active" persons like u.most of us would've gone thru the same emotions & thoughts as u at one point or other in our lives.But,u've chosen 2 share it& that's a GREAT indeed is a gift to be able to put ur thoughts coherently n effectively into i see a hint of an activist here?a citizen journalist perhaps?!!WAY TO GO!CHEERS!!!

  2. i agree that "volunteering" is a nice way to begin the audit process. But someone must ensure that volunteers will not get easily frustrated by the blocks put in their path by the corrupt and greedy. Hum honge kaamiyaab ek din :)
