Friday, September 24, 2010

The verdict

Is the average man you find on the streets worried about the”verdict”? The news channel have not stopped talking about it. The government has left no stone unturned to rein in the untoward eventualities. The verdict might swing either way. But should we worry about it? Agreed, most of the Hindus would indignantly ask “ In our own land, we can’t even build a temple to our lord”? Ayodhya has always been Ramjanambhoomi”. And what about the average muslim for whom the wounds of demolition of Babri masjid have not yet healed?? So what is the solution??

What better temple for Ram than in our own hearts?? And is not God everywhere, does one need to go to a mosque to offer prayers??? Friends, Karl Marx has likened religion to opium. An overdose can get one intoxicated. Aren’t there enough temples, mosques & churches that you need to add one more?? Or aren’t there enough issues to worry about? Neither Ram nor Allah would want people to kill one another for a temple or a mosque.

If each one of us, start thinking and believing we are “INDIANS FIRST’ and then a Hindu, Muslim, Sikh or a Christian, then half the task is accomplished. Sadly India is divided by the very diversity it is known for; We have a Hindu law, Christian marriage Act, and “Shariat”and so on.

Religion is like a beautiful garland, but the moment a monkey gets hold of it, what happens to it? Sometimes it garlands itself, and sometimes it tramples it under its feet. We have to be beware of such monkeys! Religion should belong to its rightful place, in our homes and protected like our most personal possession. It should be a beacon in our lives, leading us in the right path.

Tamasoma Jyotirgamaya!! From darkness, let there be light”!!! May the God lead us all from the darkness of ignorance to the light of wisdom!!

1 comment:

  1. well said!if we cannot love whom we see,how can we love GOD whom we cannot see?!
