Tuesday, December 21, 2010

New Year Resolutions

It is that time of the year again to make New Year resolutions. Agreed, We are not celebrities whose resolutions are eagerly awaited for or get talked about. But, if only each one of us are as serious about sticking to our resolutions as we make them…!..Any ways for those who are still undecided about what to resolve this year, here are some handy tips.

Would you believe me, if I say” giving “is much easier than “giving up”?? This New Year we can resolve to give, share, care and we can also resolve to “give up” certain things. There are so many ways to give, so many things to give and so many people to give to. For example, even a smile makes a difference. A warm hand shake, a gentle hug, a patient ear to somebody’s problems, a little of your time, all these can be given without much effort. For those with deep pockets, sky is the limit!
But giving up, really needs a steely resolve. List out what you want to give up?? This requires a bit of honesty, but has excellent results. Do you always turn up late ? Then time to Give up the habit! Do you have this terrible habit of snacking in between meals, which ruins the figure achieved after days of starving? Time to give up that too! Do you have this habit of bitching about someone in front of others? I bet it has strained your relations when the person you bitched about got to know about it! Are you an impulsive shopper who tends to overuse your credit card? Time for that resolution again! List is endless!

Remember, giving and giving up are both emotionally very satisfying. Giving gives joy not only to the recipient, but to the giver also! And do I need to say anything more about giving up? The more of the unwanted things you give up, the better person you become! Anyways, you will be a winner all the way!!! So go ahead! Make those resolutions… and… stick to them, but of course!!

Sujatha Natraj