Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Women’s day
The day dawned as yet another day. By now adept at multitasking, I had finished cooking breakfast as well as lunch and by 8.45 am, revised my son’s 8 and 9 times multiplication tables with him,filled the lunch boxes ,kept the clothes ready for the dhobi. Today being Women’s day, all the ladies in our office had decided to wear something nice, I took out a new dress and matching accessories. It was one of those days, when you felt special and decide to do something about it! Of course, hubby dear had totally forgotten about it and to add insult to the injury, my son too had forgotten about it.
Soon I reached the station to catch my regular local.Exchanging greetings with my "train friends", I reached the office . As soon as I entered the office, the white board caught our attention, where the “thought for the day” was dedicated to women. Surprise! Somebody had taken pains to dedicate us the “thought for the day”. It said something nice about women and the perfect ways in which they adapted to their various roles.
The men in the office had a mischievous (mysterious look (??) about their faces, as they wished us “Happy Women’s day”! in chorus. In our office of about 100 staff, 65 were men and 35 were women. At 11 we were asked to assemble in the conference room upstairs. Wondering aloud what the occasion was, little did we know what was in store for us. There the men of the office had organized a special function where each of us were welcomed with a red rose. This was followed by a few speeches where one guy wondered aloud that he couldn’t imagine an office where there would not be any ladies. It would all be black, white and grey!”He said. This guy always appreciated a lady about her good dress sense, of course, without going overboard. Another one said that he was praying that in these days of “Ladies special”trains, Ladies Special Police Station, that they would not think of a Ladies Special Office. “What would become of us??” he wondered! This drew a loud round of applause. There were some emotional speeches too when a guy recalled how his mother had raised him singlehandedly after being widowed in the early years of marriage. More Surprise! Delicious snacks and tea followed and they all were eager to know how we had liked the surprise.
Well, what to say about these men?? Though at times they irritate you with their chauvinistic ways, today’s gesture would have melted the heart of a diehard feminist including me). Thank you, my friends for the lovely surprise and the thought behind it.WE RECIPROCATE THE SENTIMENTS AND WE DO ADORE BEING APPRECIATED! WE OWE YOU ONE!!!

1 comment:

  1. appreciate the warm gesture.goes to show mcp's can turn to "smc's"-(sensitive male colleagues),truly rising to the occassion!!
